Thursday, 16 February 2012

2D ART Inspiration for Characters

These are some character designs and styles that I came across in Computer Arts Magazine and ImagineFX and others. We could adapt similar styles or use these to help us develop our work.


  1. Those seem similar to what Rebecca's working on at the moment.
    As for characters I was thinking something a bit more like


    but at the same time I was worried about the character being too similar to everything else rather than standing out, so I was gunna try out different types of styles so that we weren't "tied down to something so early on" as Graeme pointed out to me when I spoke to him about it.

    Oh, stained glass style Tonguy spoke about: I don't really think it would be doable (animation wise) but eh, I'm just getting them together for you to check through.

  2. kalveer these are really inspiring and fanstastic! thanks for finding them
